Customized Talent Days

Attract and select Chinese candidates graduated in Germany/Europe in the framework of Your Company Talent Days.

  • Your companies' own channel on our job board with unlimited access
  • Communication to around 25.000 Chinese students, graduates and professionals mostly in Germany
  • Specific pre-screening and selection of potential candidates
  • Question and answer dialogue with candidates in the run-up
  • Scheduling of interviews with promissing candidates

Facts & Figures

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Customized Talent Day
  • 240 job postings generated 52.000 views

    “I have been through several promising interviews and finally got a great job. I appreciate your work, many thanks to all of you.”

    Ming Jing

  • 1.257 applications from more than 400 candidates.

  • Out of 140 interviewed candidates more than 40 received a job contract.